Pelamis USP 52, is a highly purified petroleum jelly (petrolatum) consisting of homogeneous hydrocarbons. With a distinct snow white appearance, the product has an ointment consistency. It has NSF H1 certificate to cover food contact applications.

Pelamis USP 52 is used in cosmetic applications especially in the production of vaseline type protective creams, eye creams, hair care products, hand and body cleaning products, skin lotions, creams and make-up materials.

In the pharmaceuticals industry, it is used as a carrier in pomades, creams and lotions, but also as an adjuvant in the production of many human and veterinary medicines.

In addition to these applications, it can find unique application areas especially in the chemicals industry, metal working applications and food industry.

Produced by H&R Tudapetrol Germany, a brand with over than one hundred years of experience, PIONIER 2901 is a highly refined and purified petroleum jelly favoured by leading pharmaceutical and cosmetic manufacturers all around the globe.

With excellent oxidation properties and UV resistance, the product is recognised by its well-known snow white appearance and is marketed globally under the proven quality standards of Germany and other additional pharmacopoeias, such as USP/NF and the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur).